Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Factor of Success

Today, I woke up a bit late...
I have class during the morning so I quickly went for a bath and got ready..
After eating breakfast (bread with strawberry jam), I quickly rushed to my further mechanics class because I was already 5 minutes late...
When reached there, I saw what I had expected to see..
An empty dark classroom..
Not again!!
Including this, this is the 5th time I was the only who went to class..
Pn Ju came about 5 minutes later and she just smiled at me when she saw me standing in front of the class...
I think she too had expected the same thing...
So, I asked her to go and study at the RC and she agreed...

Some may say that I am writing this to brag about being the only one to go to class..
And wanting everyone to know that I am a very good student..
Well, that is not the reason I am writing this..
I am writing this to give an advice to my fellow friends...
And base on my story, I think you already know what am I going to say...

Respect and Baraqah
Like most of us, I too think that it is better if we have our own time to study..
We prefer to have study leave and study by ourselves..
Hence, since last week, most of us obtain a lot of free period because the teacher decided to cancel classes..
I am now free during block 3,4,5 and 6..
Which means I now only have two blocks to go to...
block 1 and 2..
This is the case for most of my friends....
So since now the percentage of free blocks is more than the percentage of class, I decided to skip most of my block 1 and 2...
"Alang2 dah free, baik free 1 hari trus..
bru best..
that was what I thought...
However, one day, a friend came to me and gave me an advice...
He said:
In exams, it is not only study that determines our success, it also comes from the baraqah of our teachers...
Baraqah is defined as the blessing of someone to us....
Many of us forget this important factor in running our life..
But trust me, the blessings from our teachers, parents and the people around us plays a very important role in our success...
We can not see it..
We can not quantify it..
We can not feel it..
But in order to be successful in life, we must believe that it exist and strive to obtain it..

A teacher once told me a story about a student who was very smart in his studies during his secondary school..
But he was not very respectful to his teacher...
As many people expected, he excelled in his SPM..
However, when he went on to continue his studies in university, he found it very difficult..
He couldn't focus and he was getting bad results for his exams..
One might say that it was all because he didn't get the blessing from his teachers who were the one giving him knowledge and guidance during secondary school...

Now the question is, how exactly do we obtain it???
One of the ways is to respect our teachers and parents..
Respect is define as the condition of showing honor to the person..
We show that we appreciate that person..
We do our best to make him or her happy..
We obey our parents...
We do our homework...
We come to class when we are suppose to..

After that, I promised to myself that I will never skip classes...
-The first thing is because I don't want to create a habit of skipping classes during my time in universities.
-I hope to obtain the blessing from my teachers
My results during trial was not very good..
So I need to do everything I can which can help me succeed in my exams..
Thx to that from of mine who showed me my errors..
All in all, please pray for my success in my A level examinations..


Huzayfah Hafas said...

Salam, Pak Lah..
Cepat je ALLAH nk bg petunjuk kat hamba2NYA..
Ak ad kelas Mechs td, block 5.
Tp ad yg resit Physc P5..
So, ak xgi...
Rasa bersalah sgt lepas baca post nih.
Tq kerana menyedarkan kwn ko yg mudah alpa nih..
Semoga yg lain pon mengambil iktibar.InsyaALLAH.
semoga tidak berhenti berdakwah..

Mkin said...

hmmm...xpernah skip class ke lepas tu? ? ragu..ragu...

tunsyed10 said...

X pernah